This is a blog for all of you who want to keep in touch about whatever you want to share. (This is not a church sponsored blog.)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Digital Keyboard - Free to a Good Home
I have a full sized digital keyboard that I would love to give to someone in need. It is a Kawai and is about 15 years old. It is in great condition for it's age and only has one key (high c) that does not play. I have used it regularly for the last 14 years and I am only getting rid of it because I have recently purchased a regular piano. It would be a great option for a beginner or someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of money on a piano right now. As mentioned, it is full sized, has 2 pedals, multiple sound options (piano, organ, strings, brass, harpsichord, etc.) and comes with a bench. Please let me know if you are interested or know of someone who could use it. Thanks! Elaina Poulsen ph# 801-331-8871 or e-mail:
Local Family Practice Doctor?
We are trying to find a good local family practice doctor in the Lehi/Highland/AF area. Who do you see and do you recommend them? Will you please leave a comment here letting me know who you would recommend? Thanks, everyone! --Kristin
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Found Cat
We have had a gray cat lingering around our house for a couple of days. It is gray with black stripes across it's back and has a white belly. We don't want a cat so I'm not encouraging it by feeding it. Please come get it if it's yours or even if you'd like to have a cat. It seems friendly enough; I just don't get along well with cats!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Virtual Yardsale Lehi
You are all invited to the Virtual Yardsale Lehi group on facebook. My daughter has been using one in Wichita and it is convenient and fun. You can buy, sell or give away items that you need or make, or just want to get rid of for free. Invite your friends who are in the northern Utah county area and lets help each other out. Please read the rules in the docs area before posting an item. Have fun! Sherry
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Funeral Information for Bob & Kim Richards Daughter....
I wanted to post information regarding funeral arrangements for our beautiful daughter, Danica. Thank you to all of you who have already done so much with your sweet sentiments and service. We love and appreciate you.
Jennifer Danica Richards passed away on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at the age of 23.
There will be a viewing on Friday, November 4, 2011
From 6:00 to 9:00 pm
At the Larkin Sunset Gardens Mortuary
1950 E 10600 South
Sandy, UT 84092
Funeral Services will be held on Saturday November 5, 2011
There will be a viewing from 11:00 to 12:30.
The Funeral Service will be at 1:00 pm
At the Sandy Utah Lone Peak Stake Center
11570 Wasatch Blvd.
Sandy, Utah
Jennifer Danica Richards passed away on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at the age of 23.
There will be a viewing on Friday, November 4, 2011
From 6:00 to 9:00 pm
At the Larkin Sunset Gardens Mortuary
1950 E 10600 South
Sandy, UT 84092
Funeral Services will be held on Saturday November 5, 2011
There will be a viewing from 11:00 to 12:30.
The Funeral Service will be at 1:00 pm
At the Sandy Utah Lone Peak Stake Center
11570 Wasatch Blvd.
Sandy, Utah
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Propositions 4 & 5
Make sure before you vote on November 8th that you read the Voter Information Pamphlet we received in the mail outlining the pros and cons of Proposition 4 and 5. I would personally hate to see these both pass. My opinion is that the sponsors of these propositions seem to have their own agenda. If passed they would severely hinder Lehi City's ability to become a progressive city, open up the possibility of costly lawsuits and make it difficult for Lehi to attract high-quality employees. If these propositions are not read completely, many will have the tendency to agree and vote yes. Our city is growing and needs progressive leaders -- we ain't pioneers and the "good ole boys" mentality just won't work any longer. Vote NO for Proposition 4 & 5. Now I will get down off my political soap box.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Cub Scout Uniform?
Just wondering if anyone has an extra cub scout uniform laying around that they would like to donate to the Holland family? My Nick left his in our front yard 2 weeks ago and is has disappeared...and was brand new! I hate the thought of spending the money on a new one. The one he lost did not have the numbers sew on yet (they were in the pocket) and had the plastic thing attached to the buttons with his newly earned Bobcat in it. If you think your boy might have picked it up or if you have an old one that you wouldn't mind passing on please let me know! Thanks!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Part Time job
My son, Taylor, is looking for a part time job while he and his wife are going to school. He has been working at a car dealership and before that at a credit union. He is good with computers and is going into computer engineering. If anyone knows of a good part time job, please let me know -- 801 768-0810 -- Jan or Vaughn Beames. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
For Sale...
Sarah Leavitt is selling a black upright piano that is only 7 years old and is practically new. It sells for $1500 new and she is asking $600. She is also selling a treadmill for $350. If you are interested in either of these great items please call Sarah at 801.842.1460. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Annual Chili Cookoff!
Monday, October 17th from 5pm to 9pm! We will be having bounce houses this year for the kids! Get your pots a brewin! You can bring chili or soup and I will have prizes for both categories. If you'd like to bring a dessert/bread feel free! Also, if there is anyone who would like to help out this year, give me a call! And please help spread the word. I always love the chili cookoff, let's hope the weather will cooperate! Hollie 801-358-7510 Also, if you'd like to pitch in a small donation for the bounce houses that would be appreciated! Thanks friends! :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Baby Shower Open House for Kelly Meiner
Baby Shower Open House for Kelly Meiner
It's a Girl!! There will be a Baby Shower Open House for Kelly Meiner on Friday, Sept 30th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Sherry Laub's House
3432 N 900 W. Looking forward to seeing you there.
It's a Girl!! There will be a Baby Shower Open House for Kelly Meiner on Friday, Sept 30th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Sherry Laub's House
3432 N 900 W. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Halloween Festival/Fundraiser
One of the most fabulous women I know is in stage 4 colon cancer. At this point she has decided to refuse medical treatment partly due to cost and partly because she doesn't want to live with a colostomy bag. Her name is Cece, and she is perhaps the sweetest, most giving person I know. She has been part of my husband's family for over 15 years, and has done nothing but love and support everyone she comes in contact with. Now we want to be there for her.
We are trying to organize a Halloween Festival/Fundraiser for Cece. We're looking at Saturdays in October (except the 8th, as not to interfere with the Stake Fall Festival).
We are planning things like face painting, bouncy house, silent auction, bake sale, pictures with a giant pumpkin, costume parade, and so much more! We are looking for anyone willing to help us with this. If you have ideas, items you might be able to donate, or any other way to help, please contact me.
Thank you so much for your support!
If you have any way to help please e-mail me at:
We are trying to organize a Halloween Festival/Fundraiser for Cece. We're looking at Saturdays in October (except the 8th, as not to interfere with the Stake Fall Festival).
We are planning things like face painting, bouncy house, silent auction, bake sale, pictures with a giant pumpkin, costume parade, and so much more! We are looking for anyone willing to help us with this. If you have ideas, items you might be able to donate, or any other way to help, please contact me.
Thank you so much for your support!
If you have any way to help please e-mail me at:
Monday, September 26, 2011
Fesitval of Trees
My friend Amy is doing a tree for "Festival of Trees" to honor her baby daughter, Annie. The theme of the tree is "For Every Untold Story." It will be a story book tree. If anyone is interested in donating children's books to the tree, let me know. All proceeds go to Primary Children's Medical Center. The books need to be new or "like new." The scholastic $1 books are a great option. We need to have all the books collected by October 20th. No obligation, this is just if your looking for a good cause to donate to for Christmas time. Thanks much-Michele Reich 801-766-5180
Friday, September 23, 2011
Kid Swap?
I need help with Lynlee on Wednesdays from 10-11:30 a.m. I am interested in either hiring a sitter or doing a kid swap. If you want to swap children, I am happy to play with 1-2 for a couple of hours another day of the week. If you are interested, please email me at or call me at home. Thanks!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Baby Shower Open House for Kelly Meiner
It's a Girl!! There will be a Baby Shower Open House for Kelly Meiner on Friday, Sept 30th from 6:30pm to 9:30pm at Sherry Laub's House
3432 N 900 W. Looking forward to seeing you there.
3432 N 900 W. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Piano Teachers
Does anyone know of any good piano teachers in the area? I'm thinking I'd like to get my 6-year-old started. If you know of anyone, would you please e-mail me their contact info?
Thanks, everyone!
Thanks, everyone!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Green Camp Chair
A green camp chair was left at the Reichs' house after a combined mutual activity a few weeks back. I thought it might be ours but it's not. It is dark green with black trim. Let me know if it's yours.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Red Bricks - Free
We're moving this Saturday (8/27/11) & need to get rid of these. We have a good sized stack of red bricks sitting outside our house (north side, closest to Bullriver). If you want them, just come and get them before Saturday.
First come, first served...
Questions: Call Dave 801-368-6031, or text Kathy 704-798-9774
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Mark Reich is turning 40!
This is an update for my previous post. I am trying to organize a block party for this Saturday at 6:45pm for Mark's 40th Birthday. It will be up in the circle near Hollie Hansens house. I have been out of town for a week so hopefully the word has gotten out. I will provide drinks, chips and dessert. I will also provide condiments for hot dogs. So bring your own hot dogs and buns and something to share (salad, veggie, fruit or whatever you want). It would help me alot if you could tell your neighbors about this, otherwise I will end up with lots of left over cake! Thanks- Michele
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
rent a vehicle
Aaaggghhh!! We have only one very aged car and David barely made it to the repair shop as he was coming home from work in Springville this morning. If anyone has an extra vehicle we can rent for a day or two or however long, until we find out what it will take to repair ours, please give us a call this afternoon. We will be glad to rent it (reasonably) and fill it with gas, of course. This is a back up plan if we can't use our daughter's car. They are out of town until tomorrow night. If we can find a key to it here at our house we can use that until tomorrow night. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Linda Eldridge 801-768-2372 or David's cell 801-234-0662
Linda Eldridge 801-768-2372 or David's cell 801-234-0662
Monday, July 25, 2011
If anyone has healthy plants or shrubs they are removing or perennials they are thinning out, or
I can have a start, please give me a call. We are doing on ongoing yard service project for a family member and could use some free plants for that project.
Jan Beames
I can have a start, please give me a call. We are doing on ongoing yard service project for a family member and could use some free plants for that project.
Jan Beames
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Bull River 24th of July Celebrations!
Hi neighbors! Mike & Jennifer Seely have been kind enough to organize the annual Bull River 24th of July block party! I am just spreading the word that it will be on Monday, July 25th at 6:30pm. If you can come, bring your own meat to grill (there will be BBQ's), and a side dish to share. Also, Mike has a hookup to get some sweet fireworks, so if you are able and would like to contribute $5 to $10 please have your money to Mike Seely no later than this Thursday. The more money we can get, the sweeter the firework show. :) We will be meeting in the Cul-de-Sac in front of the Seely's home. Any questions, you can call me or the Seely's.
Also, Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd there are several neighbors camping up at Payson Lakes. If anyone would like to come spend a day at the lake on Saturday let me know and I can give you details. If there are any still interested in camping, I know Payson campground is full, but there is another campground called Blackhawk only 5 miles away, I can give details on that as well to those interested. Should be a fun weekend! Party on! :) Hollie 801-358-7510
Also, Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd there are several neighbors camping up at Payson Lakes. If anyone would like to come spend a day at the lake on Saturday let me know and I can give you details. If there are any still interested in camping, I know Payson campground is full, but there is another campground called Blackhawk only 5 miles away, I can give details on that as well to those interested. Should be a fun weekend! Party on! :) Hollie 801-358-7510
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Mark Reich is turning 40!
Mark is turning 40 on August 21st, so of course I am obligated to do more that dinner and a movie. This year I am taking 4 of his favorite things and doing them for his birthday. One of his favorite things is getting together with neighbors. I am planning a block party on August 20th at 6:45pm (mark has to work so I can't do it earlier) up in the circle near my house. I am still working out details but I think I will just do hot dogs, salads and dessert. I am going to do it pot-luck style because I have no idea how many people will come. So bring your own hot dogs/buns and one thing to share (salad/veggie/fruit). I will provide drinks, chips and dessert. If I get ambitious I might do an outdoor movie and the time might change a little. I will figure that out when it gets closer. This is going to be a surprise so don't talk to Mark about it. If you have questions call me (don't email me). Not everyone reads this blog so if you could help pass the word along that would be great. Thanks much -Michele
Monday, July 4, 2011
Wacky Wednesday Discovery Gateway
This Wednesday we plan to go to Discovery Gateway. This is one of the few activities that has a charge. The only place I have found discounts for it is in the Happenings book. If anyone is planning to come, try to track down a coupon! If anyone has a coupon they know they won't use and are willing to give it up, please call me! Hollie 801-358-7510 Also, because this is in Salt Lake, please let me know if you are coming and want to caravan so we don't leave without you! Meet in front of my house at 10am. Thanks!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Client Developer Position
Hi Everyone,
InsideOut Development is hiring another Client Developer. This is an inside sales position and if you'd like the full job description, please send me an email to: and I'd be happy to send that to you. Also, if you know of anyone that is interested, please have them send me their resume to the same email address. You can find out more about the company at
InsideOut Development is hiring another Client Developer. This is an inside sales position and if you'd like the full job description, please send me an email to: and I'd be happy to send that to you. Also, if you know of anyone that is interested, please have them send me their resume to the same email address. You can find out more about the company at
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wacky Wednesdays
We have had fun the last couple of weeks going to Wines Park the first week, and to the Bean Museum and BYU creamery the 2nd week. Today, Wacky Wednesday is at Discovery Park, and next week is 7 Peaks. I posted the calendar on this blog so scroll through all the posts to find it!!! :) Then mark your calendars!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Girls Night Out!
Emily Power is moving on to bigger and better things and we will miss her! Please join us tomorrow night (TUESDAY) for a little girl talk/farewell party in the Gibson's backyard. Bring a lawn chair and a dessert to share. Call me if you have any questions!
Renee Holland
Renee Holland
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Hula Lessons and Preschool
In the fall I will be teaching Hula lessons and Preschool. I will be teaching a mother's only hula class. If you are interested in either or want more information call me- Traci 801-847-5845.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wacky Wednesday Calendar
Today was the first official Wacky Wednesday! The weather was perfect and all that came had fun visiting and letting the kids play at Wines Park. The rest of the summer schedule is listed. If the weather makes us unable to go, we will just do the dollar movie that day. :) Come to any or all of the activities!
June 15- Bean Museum (free) and BYU Creamery: Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
June 22- Discovery Park (free) in Pleasant Grove: Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
June 29- 7 Peaks: Many of us bought the Pass of all Passes, but I know there are discount tickets all over the place. Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 8- Children's Museum at Gateway. I will get details on pricing. Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 13- free swimming at the Reich's inlaws: Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 20- Alpine Park (free): Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 27- Highland City splash pad (free): Meet at splash pad at 10am.
August 3- Liberty Park (free) and Tracy Aviary (checking on pricing and if there are discounts out there): Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
August 10- Cedar Hills Park (free): There is a little creek so wear clothes you can get wet in. Meet at park at 10am.
August 16- TUESDAY! It is 2 buck Tuesday at Thanksgiving Point, so we are having our last wacky Wednesday activity on a Tuesday! :) $2 for either farm, museum, or gardens. I personally loved the gardens last year, so I may wander that way first, and possibly do the museum as well! :)
Please call if you have questions or suggestions! This is just something I enjoy doing so that I make sure I spend some FUN time with my kids during the summer, and I love when people can come! Hollie Hansen 801-358-7510
June 15- Bean Museum (free) and BYU Creamery: Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
June 22- Discovery Park (free) in Pleasant Grove: Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
June 29- 7 Peaks: Many of us bought the Pass of all Passes, but I know there are discount tickets all over the place. Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 8- Children's Museum at Gateway. I will get details on pricing. Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 13- free swimming at the Reich's inlaws: Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 20- Alpine Park (free): Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
July 27- Highland City splash pad (free): Meet at splash pad at 10am.
August 3- Liberty Park (free) and Tracy Aviary (checking on pricing and if there are discounts out there): Meet at Hansen's at 10am if you want to caravan.
August 10- Cedar Hills Park (free): There is a little creek so wear clothes you can get wet in. Meet at park at 10am.
August 16- TUESDAY! It is 2 buck Tuesday at Thanksgiving Point, so we are having our last wacky Wednesday activity on a Tuesday! :) $2 for either farm, museum, or gardens. I personally loved the gardens last year, so I may wander that way first, and possibly do the museum as well! :)
Please call if you have questions or suggestions! This is just something I enjoy doing so that I make sure I spend some FUN time with my kids during the summer, and I love when people can come! Hollie Hansen 801-358-7510
Beta Machine
I recently asked if anyone could transfer VHS and Beta to DVD. Thank you to the Lassons for responding. I figured out how to do it myself, but I need a Beta machine. Does anyone own one I could borrow for a week or so? If so will you email me-thanks much.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Lehi Volleyball Fundraiser
The lehi volleyball team is doing a fundraiser. They are selling mattresses at Lehi High on Saturday June 18 at a discounted rate. If you are in the market for a mattress contact Haley Baugh at 801-766-3584. Haley has coupons for an additional discount.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Who Likes Cookies?
I have one week left to fundraise for the Tour de Cure bike ride for the Diabetes Association. I am thinking I could sell COOKIES! :) $5 for a plate of chocolate chip cookies! Email me at if you'd like some. THANKS! Hollie Hansen 801-358-7510
Friday, June 3, 2011
Does anyone know?
Does anyone around here have the ability to transfter VHS to DVD. I have two VHS tapes I want transfered, Costco wouldn't do them because they have copyrighted stuff on them (I'm not sure what though- ones an ultrasound tape and the other is a news clip). I am assuming most businesses won't do them then. I also have 2 beta tapes I want transfered, but thats probably a long shot. If you know anyone who does this will you email me-thanks
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Good start coupons
I have good start coupons if anyone would like them. One is for $11.50 and the other for $4.50. Traci E
Friday, May 27, 2011
Yard Sale / Moving Sale
Hello Neighbors.....
Just FYI we're having a garage sale / yard sale / moving sale...whatever you'd like to refer to it as....Saturday, May 28 from 8am-2pm at our front yard 878 W 3280 N Lehi
Lots of different items will be available:
camping gear
baby gear
outdoor kid toys
indoor kid toys
kitchen items
Come check it out! Thanks, Emily
Just FYI we're having a garage sale / yard sale / moving sale...whatever you'd like to refer to it as....Saturday, May 28 from 8am-2pm at our front yard 878 W 3280 N Lehi
Lots of different items will be available:
camping gear
baby gear
outdoor kid toys
indoor kid toys
kitchen items
Come check it out! Thanks, Emily
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Free Formula
I have two unopened cans of Similac formula. They don't expire until August. If you or anyone you know could use them, please let me know!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Piano for Sale!
For Sale: upright oak player piano. About 30 years old and in good condition. Comes with bench. Asking $700. Call Pam Stagg if your interested. (766-4827)
Monday, May 9, 2011
Lost Bike
Cam has lost his bike and he REALLY needs it. He has searched around our house and checked at the school with no result. So, I'm guessing he's left it at a friend's house or a Cub Scout leader's house. If you see it hanging out in your garage or as the snow melts, will you please give me a call?
It has two wheels and it's dark brown and white, but I don't really remember any other distinguishable markings (although that doesn't mean it isn't super-duper special!)
It has two wheels and it's dark brown and white, but I don't really remember any other distinguishable markings (although that doesn't mean it isn't super-duper special!)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Alpine School District Bond Community Input Meeting
info from Karen Ashman
Time | Wednesday, May 11 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm |
Location | Willowcreek Middle School 2275 W. 300 N. Lehi, UT |
The Alpine School District will present information about a proposed bond for the 2011 fall election. This affects everyone who owns a home in the Alpine School District, and especially those who attend schools in the Lehi area. Please mark your calendar now and plan on coming to this meeting. It is REALLY important that we have a LOT of people attend, so please spread the word and invite others to attend.
At the moment, the proposed bond includes a three story classroom addition for Lehi High School. Information about projected student enrollment through 2015 can be found here: http://www.alpine.k12.ut.u
Although a classroom addition would be helpful, it still does not completely solve the problem of increased enrollment. Construction on the classroom addition is not set to begin until 2013, and is expected to take 2 years. Enrollment for those two school years is projected to be 2,333 and 2,596, with construction taking place throughout the two school years. Lehi High is on the smallest property for a secondary school in the District, (29.11 acres) which creates the problem of major disruption during the construction phase to parking and other extra curricular activities. The auditorium seats 750, and is not slated for improvements. (roughly 1/4 the projected enrollment by 2015 alone)
At this meeting, it is critical that residents focus solely on Lehi High students and facilities, and that we not compare our facility to other secondary schools in the District. (Lehi has a reputation for 'whining', especially when comparisons are made)
This will be your only opportunity to voice your opinion, and if other communities have greater representation, Lehi High might not get the investment it so desperately needs. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the High School Community Council, PTSA or Booster Club. Please also encourage Jr. High and High School students to attend.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
An Amazing Volunteer Opportunity
Do you have an hour a week to share?
I have LOVED doing Meals on Wheels in Lehi for the past few years but find I need to take a break for a bit. This has been one of the most rewarding things I do each week. I feel happier with my life and my community by the end of my hour of "work" on Friday. The home bound seniors are always so appreciative and I have about a dozen new friends. It's a great way to involve your kids, too!
If you think this might work for you, I would be so happy to tell you more about it or you can click here to get more info, too. You won't regret it.
I have LOVED doing Meals on Wheels in Lehi for the past few years but find I need to take a break for a bit. This has been one of the most rewarding things I do each week. I feel happier with my life and my community by the end of my hour of "work" on Friday. The home bound seniors are always so appreciative and I have about a dozen new friends. It's a great way to involve your kids, too!
If you think this might work for you, I would be so happy to tell you more about it or you can click here to get more info, too. You won't regret it.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Job opportunity
I am looking for a floral delivery driver Mon - Fri, 3 to 4 hours a day. Or 2 people , each working 3 days. This is a great job for a mom with older children wanting to get out of the house a few hours, an empty-nester, a college student home for the summer or a retired person. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact me. Sherry Laub 801-834-2653
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Washing Machine
My husband bought me a new washer and dryer so I need to get rid of my old washer. It is only 3 years old and still runs great so I hate to just throw it away. I am willing to sell it for $50. It's a white Kenmore.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Vinyl Lettering??
My poor little 2 1/2yr old is still not part of our family home evening board. It's never been a pressing item on my to-do list because she's been young enough that just attending was her thing, but she is starting to pick up on the fact that each person checks the board to see what they are in charge of and she's now asking where her name is? I guess I'd better fix that. You'd think I could just take a sharpie and give the girl her own tag, but I just can' wouldn't match! So, on that note, does anyone out there know of a good place to get vinyl lettering done? I've only ever done any projects with vinyl via super saturday so I figured I'd put the word out there to all of you incredibly talented and creative ladies and see what results I get. I'm sure Kaylie would truly appreciate "officially" joining FHE with us on Monday nights :-) Thanks, Emily
Friday, March 11, 2011
garden tiller
I am looking for a garden tiller that I can borrow. My poor garden is in need of an over haul. If you are willing to let me borrow yours, I would greatly appreciate it!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Summer Wacky Wednesdays!
I know this is EARLY, but I wanted to throw out the idea I had for this summers Wacky Wednesday activities. For those who don't know what Wacky Wednesday is, I will explain. Each Wednesday in the summer, moms who feel like all they do all week is tell their kids to keep the doors shut, or stop running in and out of the house wet, or tell them they have to try to keep the house semi clean, etc... get a change of scenery by taking their kids on an outing. We try to keep a balance of educational, outdoors, and just for fun activities. In the past we have done things like riding our scooters up the path to Bridal Veil Falls, going to the Bean museum, playing at the splash pad, going to a park, going to the copper mines, you get the idea. I have usually planned all the activities, and whoever wants to come meets at my house on Wednesday mornings. This year, I thought it would be fun to have different "hosts" each week, (basically I am just passing on some of the responsibility, WHAT?) lol. All the "host" has to do is pick an activity (I have a list of activities you can choose from, or you can come up with your own), let people know what the activity is and what time you want to meet, and let them meet you at your house. I know, I know! It's so easy! Soooo, there are 12 wacky Wednesdays, I need 11 volunteers! Who's in? Call me at 801-358-7510. And by the way, you don't have to be a "host" in order to come. It's always fun, so come when you can! After I get the "hosts" and their activities, I will make a calendar and post it for everyone. Thanks!
Similac Coupons
There were Similac baby formula coupons in this Sunday's paper and I cut them out because I remember how expensive that stuff can be! If anyone would like to have them, please call me or stop by. There's a $5 off (expires 4/30) and a $3 off (expires 5/31). I have 6 copies of them.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Bye, Bye, Bye
In case you don't use Facebook (i.e. me), here is a link to the Venture Scouts' music video. The boys did this for the lip sync contest, and they have posted it on YouTube hoping to get lots of hits. Pass the link along, and help them get as many hits as possible!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Free Souct Day at Tracy Aviary
I just got this in my email and thought I'd pass it along for any other Scout moms:
Join Us February 16th to Celebrate!
Join Us February 16th to Celebrate!
Hours: 9 AM - 5:30 PM
(open a 1/2 hour later than usual for scouts)
Free admittance for anyone wearing a scout uniform.
A special bird program at 4:30 PM on Utah Native bird species.
Eagle Scout Recognition and a special treat generously donated by the
Girl Scouts of Utah!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Not so FREE Babysitting

Jayden wanted me to write a post for him. He will be 13 in August and is interested in babysitting. He babysits his 2 and 5 year old brother every week for our date night, plus whatever else I need him for. I'm happy to report that my 2 and 5 year old are still alive and you can expect the same for your kids. He is responsible and his siblings are alive, I don't know what else to say. Jayden said boys get the shaft in the babysitting department- I explained that its mostly because girls are motherly, clean, like babies and parents don't usually come home to legos duct taped to the ceiling and kids jumping from the banister onto bean bags- I've probably said too much, but Jayden is a good babysitter for me. He can change diapers, make SIMPLE meals, entertain young children and clean if necessary and I'm only a phone call away if things head south. You can reach him at 801-766-5180.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fox Hollow Book Fair
The Fox Hollow Book Fair is February 1-4. That's next week! We still have volunteer spots left for 15 lucky people! I have the schedule set up on a Google document and I"d be happy to share it with anyone that would like to view it in order to compare your schedule with what is needed at the fair. The shifts are only two hours long, you can bring your other children, and if you need to step out a little early for SEP's we don't mind. Andrea (the librarian) hasn't been feeling well and any amount of time you can offer to help would be much appreciated!
Call me if you'd like the schedule or any other details.
Kelly Meiners
Call me if you'd like the schedule or any other details.
Kelly Meiners
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Do you D.J.?
Does anyone know a DJ that could help with the daddy/daughter dance at Fox Hollow?
Last year's dance was hugely popular. We expect it to be big again this year.
The dance will be on February 17 from 6:30-8 pm.
It can be a good source of advertising (as a sponsor) because it is so well attended and we can also note it in our school newsletter that goes home with over 1000+ kids.
Please email me if you have any information. Thank you!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Girl Scout Cookies
Katie will be selling Girl Scout cookies again this year. Let me know if you want any.
Book Club Schedule
Some of you may not know that we have a book club here in the ward. We try and meet most months and we even try to discuss the book :). It is a fun time to just get together and be girls. You don't even have to read the book, just come and have fun.
Here is a list of the books that we will be reading in the next few months and the dates that we will be having the meetings:
February 10 - Lori Withers is hosting. The book is "Garden Spells," by Sarah Addison Allen
March 10 - Lisa Meyers is hosting. The book is "City of Bones," by Cassandra Clare
April 21 - Mary Allen is hosting. The book is "Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry
May 12 - Charity Layne is hosting. The book is "Wrapped in Rain," by Charles Martin
June 16 - Elizabeth Lasson is hosting. The book is "To The Rescue: The Biography of President Thomas S Monson."
Meetings are usually at 8pm.
Now, sometimes there are changes in the schedule or book so if you want to be notified of changes, please email me and I will add you to the email list.
We are always looking for someone willing to host so feel free to volunteer. We generally skip July and December but we still have August-November up for grabs! So if you have a book that you absolutely LOVE, then we would LOVE to read it.
Happy Reading!!
Here is a list of the books that we will be reading in the next few months and the dates that we will be having the meetings:
February 10 - Lori Withers is hosting. The book is "Garden Spells," by Sarah Addison Allen
March 10 - Lisa Meyers is hosting. The book is "City of Bones," by Cassandra Clare
April 21 - Mary Allen is hosting. The book is "Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry
May 12 - Charity Layne is hosting. The book is "Wrapped in Rain," by Charles Martin
June 16 - Elizabeth Lasson is hosting. The book is "To The Rescue: The Biography of President Thomas S Monson."
Meetings are usually at 8pm.
Now, sometimes there are changes in the schedule or book so if you want to be notified of changes, please email me and I will add you to the email list.
We are always looking for someone willing to host so feel free to volunteer. We generally skip July and December but we still have August-November up for grabs! So if you have a book that you absolutely LOVE, then we would LOVE to read it.
Happy Reading!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Similac Formula
For some reason, I received a free can of Similac infant formula in the mail. Obviously, I have no use for it so was wondering if anyone else did. Please call me.
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